
Good Samaritan Reaches Those on the Margins of Life

“When people step across the line and become homeless, the family breaks down, education breaks down, and safety breaks down,” shares Dr. Jojo Thomas, the associational missionary at the Chattahoochee Baptist Association. “If we can help people not to have to step across that line, then we can minister in so many ways.”

In West Africa, Clinic Rescues Starving Babies

WEST AFRICA (BP)—Whipping desert winds fill the air with dust, which settles on the clinic’s metal gate, muting its deep maroon color. A clinic worker opens the gate, and two grandparents step into the clinic with their 2-month-old grandson. Untying the wrap that holds the baby on her back, the grandmother slides him around in front and cradles him as she sits down. The baby’s grandfather pulls up a chair and sits next to them.

Help for Flood Survivors

“This piece of paper is not large enough to express all my feelings,” said the volunteer team leader while taking in the magnitude of destruction left after rainwaters caused a dam to break and waters flooded nearby villages in Southeast Asia.

Loving the Navajo Nation

“Is this what The Church is supposed to be? Because we like this,” say a handful of students living in New Mexico’s Navajo Nation.

The significance of this statement cannot be overstated. The Navajo reservation in New Mexico has historically been wary of Christianity.

Caring for an Island in Crisis

The ability to respond quickly in times of crisis, pool resources and coordinate distribution and deliver help to those who truly need it the most is essential for effective disaster response. Moreover, each of these elements’ success can hinge upon the relationships between those who are trying to help and those who need it.